More than two decades of coffee and gastronomic culture, more than a business it is a passion. Kaffas has certified professional Baristas, with experience in service and customer service.
Kaffas specialty coffee is a proposal for the commercialization of coffee and companions, where we take care of the quality of the coffee both in the bean and in the cup. We are not just passionate coffee purveyors, but everything that goes along with a complete and rewarding coffee experience to please discerning palates.
Kaffas is more than a coffee, it is an experience.
Kaffas Specialty Coffee
Enjoy the Kaffas Experience while staying for the coffee. Together, we want to make extraordinary memories that go beyond the menu of rich coffee and freshly baked croissants.
Our newest cafe is set to open soon. Stay tuned on social media and on our website to learn more and know when the doors of this beautiful cafe will open.

Kaffas Coffee
Servicio de catering, delicateces y exquisiteces para todo tipo de celebraciones, cada evento es una experiencia especial donde la calidad, servicio y buen gusto son los principales ingredientes. Contáctenos para eventos

KAFFAS Coffee Station es la mejor opción de una verdadera cafetería para todo tipo de celebraciones, eventos corporativos y ocasiones especiales. Este concepto versátil le dará a tus eventos un toque único y especial. Contáctenos para la estación de café

Cualquier evento realmente, pero aquí hay solo algunos. Reuniones de negocios, conferencias, iglesias, bodas, despedidas de soltera, cumpleaños, mercados de agricultores, boutiques, jornadas de puertas abiertas, eventos promocionales, eventos corporativos, para obtener más información, contáctenos para Coffee Station
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